Friday 12 August 2011

The 4 Wheels of Fitness

One of the most valuable things I have come to learn, is that you should look at Fitness & Health as if it were a car with 4 wheels:
1. Aerobic Training
2. Resistance/Strength Training
3. Nutrition
4. Rest & Recovery
Imagine a car with one wheel, it won‘t drive - in fact it won't go anywhere. Even a car with three wheels, it might move - but your direction is unknown and it will be unreliable and very slow. If you look at Fitness training in the same respect - it works EXACTLY the same. Of those four wheels above, you need to make sure ALL are in good condition for you to be able to drive smoothly. 
 Aerobic Training
You need stamina to push your muscles beyond what they're capable of doing so they will become stronger and shape up faster. regular aerobic exercise improves your level of fitness by making your heart stronger so it can work more efficiently. The end results: more oxygen in your system to facilitate physical activity. Choose an activity that will keep your heart beating around 65%-85% of your maximum heart rate for at least 20 minutes or more. Maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age, in my case, it's 200. Therefore, in order get the most from aerobic exercise, I need to keep my pulse between 130 - 170. Please note that for the first 20 minutes, the body uses the it's glycogen (carbohydrate) stores, then uses the stored body fat beyond the 20 minutes. Go longer and you'll burn more fat!
 Resistance training will help you build more lean muscle. More lean muscle means higher basal metabolic rate (BMR), which accounts for almost 75% of all calories we burn daily. Building more lean muscle means you'll have extra muscle fibers consuming more energy and your body has to use extra calories throughout the day just to sustain the new, leaner body you've built for yourself. Every kilogram of muscle burns an additional 60-100 calories per day. You'll be burning calories without even realising!
 NutritionEating right really isn't all that complicated. It's a choice, a CONSCIOUS, DAILY choice. Eating a low-fat, high-fiber diet along with doing aerobic exercise to burn calories and resistance training to maintain lean mass and to naturally boost your metabolism, is the most effective way to lose fat without holding you back from building muscle tissue.
Using the Harris-Benedict formula, the estimated basal metabolic rate expenditure is:
Men: 66 + (6.3 x weight in pounds) + (12.9 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years) = BMR
Women: 655 + (4.3 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years) = BMR
The BMR is the minimum number of calories your body needs to keep you functioning.
Most nutritionists recommend dividing up your daily carbs, protein, and fat using the ratio of 5:3:2 respectively.
You can add about 20 % for your daily activity (or multiply the result with 120%). Then you have, very roughly, the amount of calories your body needs every day. Consume less, or do more sport, to reduce bodyfat – the deciding factor is the caloric deficit which you produce, meaning intake must be lower than your output!
Giving your muscles time to rest and recover in between each workout can make a huge difference in the kind of results you end up seeing for all of your hard work. If you don't, your muscles will be in a state of exhaustion, which not only prevents them from getting stronger and shaping any further, but leaves them weaker than usual. Continuous intense exercise exhausts the adrenal glands, resulting in blood sugar imbalances that cause energy levels to flow in unpredictable ways. Keeping blood sugar out of whack can also cause your body to step into a "survival mode" that tells it store more fat.
Rest & Recovery
Resistance/Strength Training

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